
classic-analytics is a registered brand of

Classic Car Analytics GmbH - Market Analysis and Valuations for Classic Vehicles
Dieselstr. 25
44805 Bochum
Telefon: +49 234 8901600
Telefon: +49 163 6975540
Fax: +49 234 89016020
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Registered Office: Bochum
Managing Directors: Frank Wilke, McKeel Hagerty
Commercial Register (HRB): 14529 (Bochum Commercial Register)
VAT ID: DE288805943

This website uses the open-source analytics tool GOOGLE ANALYTICS ( to generate statistical evaluations of website usage. This allows us to optimize the website for you and make it more user-friendly. GOOGLE ANALYTICS stores the collected data (including time, accessed page, browser used, operating system) in a database. The evaluations generated with GOOGLE ANALYTICS are completely anonymized and cannot be used to identify individual persons. IP addresses are made unrecognizable before entering the database to comply with legal regulations. There is no linkage of stored data with other data sources or disclosure to third parties.


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