Professional-Check (classic car short appraisal)

The only classic car appraisal with a free Update-Service. Your protection against underinsurance

Scope of Services:

The cost-effective appraisal for insurance classification

Do you want to have your vehicle conveniently appraised by a neutral expert near you?

Do you need a meaningful, cost-effective document that corresponds to the generally accepted valuation guidelines of insurance companies and attests to the individual value of your classic car, youngtimer, or other collector's vehicle?

The Professional-Check – available nationwide through our appraisal partners!

Free classic-analytics Update-Service
Your protection against underinsurance

Why is the classic-analytics Update-Service so important?

Because an outdated appraisal can quickly become expensive in the event of damage!

Classic cars quietly but steadily increase in value, sometimes quite rapidly. Therefore, the classic car appraisal of today can become outdated in a short time.

However, you as the customer are solely responsible for the constant updating of the insurance value. You get paid what is in the appraisal, even if this value is no longer current. If a claim occurs now, you will receive less money than your vehicle is currently worth (so-called creeping underinsurance).

The classic-analytics Update-Service notifies you when underinsurance is looming. Free, automatic (via email), and non-binding.

Benefits for you:
  • Your own regular price research becomes unnecessary
  • No risk of underinsurance
  • Cost savings: Revaluations only when they are actually necessary due to an increase in value

How does the Update-Service work?
  • Register the valuation number of your Professional-Check on our website (or scan the QR code)
  • The value of your vehicle is stored by the classic-analytics headquarters and then permanently compared with the currently researched values from our internal price database.
  • If the market value of your model in condition 2 increases by more than 10 percent (limit of the so-called precautionary insurance Info 82a58732019f6daa0e5ccbe9a848fb4de9d92ca7c28a0a05b5d4fd7ed8d257f0) or by more than EUR 2,500, you will automatically receive a notification by email from us.

This service is free for you as a classic-analytics customer.

Start the Update-Service for Professional-Check.


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