classic-analytics valuation partners Germany

Over 1100 classic car experts nationwide – also in your area!

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Whether it's a classic car, a youngtimer, or a rare exotic vehicle, you are in the best hands with the qualified experts at classic-analytics for all your valuation questions.

From the classic car short appraisal (Professional-Check) to purchase advice and detailed damage appraisals, the classic-analytics valuation partner is always a competent contact. Only they are connected online with the classic-analytics headquarters and always receive current classic car prices as a basis for accurate valuations.

Are you an expert and want to become a classic-analytics valuation partner? Register here.

Find your nearest classic-analytics valuation partner here

Enter the name or postal code of the desired location and choose a distance in kilometers. Service partner: LocationIQ.

Additionally, you can also select membership in associations (e.g., BVSK) or valuation organizations (e.g., TÜV).

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